So, the synopsis post for this week of classes. I would have done this a few days ago, but class makes a lady busy. Also, it makes me busy. Now for the breakdown:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes:
ARHI 3030- Baroque Art I.
The professor of this class is professor Zuraw. This is a name that used to strike fear in the hearts of all who heard it in the art department. Dr. Zuraw used to be the person to go talk to if you wanted to change your major to art. Luckily, when I went to change it, this was not the case. I heard she used to make people cry. Anyway- she talks really fast, but the class seems interesting so far. At least the earlier sections of the class will be, as I am quite fond of Caravaggio. She talks REALLY fast, and flips through her slides like nobody's buisness. It'll be a tough one- 10:10 in the morning.
ARHI 3080- Contemporary Art History Survey
Professor Wallace talks LOUDLY. But at least the first section of the class will be interesting, as we start covering Jackson Pollock on Friday. I honestly thought this would be a survey of my favorite time period of art (namely 1860-1940) but found that the name of the book is Art Since 1940. Oh well. Lots of friends in this class. Should be fun, but is in the same room as the first one, and happens immediately after it. Lots of sitting in the dark in the morning. I will need to invest in some coffee.
ARST 2200- Introduction to Photography
FINALLY. The whole reason I changed to the art school. I get to start taking my classes in my major concentration. I'm ecstatic. And the teacher seems nice. We start in the darkroom on Friday. Things of concern: this class starts at 3:35, and lets out at 5:30. I'm going to be getting out of class on Friday afternoons at five thirty. I mean, goddamn. Also, it's going to be expensive.
Tuesday/ Thursday classes:
ARST 2400- Introduction to Sculpture
Hard to tell so far. I got lost trying to find the building the first day. But it's really close to my apartment. I can sleep until like 10:30 and then roll out of bed, get coffee, and leisurely stroll up to the building. Boss. Our first project is an accumulation project- getting the most of one object that you can and making something out of it. We don't even start until later next week. The professor likes to talk. A lot. She's also requiring us to go to visiting artist lectures, and then visit a sculpure exhibition and write a review of it. I'm sort of excited. I bought about a pound of jingle bells for the first project today.
FANR 1100- Natural Resource Conservation
This class satisfies my biological sciences credit. That being said, the professor gives you NO REASON to go to class. He makes lecture outlines available online, and every video he shows in class he puts online. He doesn't take attendance, and there are no pop quizzes. But the class is very lively for how large it is, and the professor already knows me by name, which means I'm pretty much going to have to go.
Ugh. That was a lot of writing. I'm already daunted at the sheer number of hours I'm taking. I haven't taken this many since I lost HOPE, and this is the semester I'm hoping (ha!) to get it back. I have two studios, two art histories, and one throw-away. LET'S DO THIS.
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