I never thought I had the face to pull off the short short hair. I still don't, really. Maybe that'll change after I lose the ten pounds I need to.
Busy, bustling day today. I went to the hair salon, got my hair done, then went to Wachovia, got some monies, then hopped on a bus. Went to the health center, paid my outstanding fee from the UTI I had a few weeks ago, then spontaneously went to the women's clinic and got put back on the pill. I've been meaning to. Maybe it'll help even me out.
Saw my mother today, and a bunch of old coworkers. Walking through the dining hall smelled like high school to me. I looked around and realized how much older I was than everyone else. At least in regards to the people eating there. I dunno.
I was just introduced to Pandora. I think I might be addicted. However, I feel like I need more than six thumbs down an hour. Just saying.
I'm in a weird place. I had fun with Alec and Ellis last night, and hung with Katie and Michael Will after they left. Getting stoned seems to help. Talked to the doctor at the clinic about what I've been going through. She seemed a little concerned, but I can't really expect that the people I open up to will react any other way. I dunno. I sort of... just want someone who I really care about to care about me. I can't have that though, because I can't care about anyone very much in my state. Other than Nicole, of course.
There are men who really care about me. Which sort of makes me feel awkward. One especially. I sort of liked him for a while, but he liked me too much. It really scared me away. One of those great-on-paper sorts. And I quote, "It just kills me to want to know you're okay and have no right to know." Really now, how am I supposed to take that?
Ugh, whatever. I have work all weekend. I'm going to enjoy my spare moments of not-work.
Your hair looks gorgeous like this. It definitely suits you. Hope you're feeling better. I'm trying to get caught up on your blog.