Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I don't like salads. Though I've always known that I really should just buckle down and eat healthier, knuckling down has always been hard for me. So, I'm going to lose fifteen pounds. That sounds like a lot, but I'm really tall, and the weight is pretty oddly distributed. I've started to notice the weight gain in my thighs and in my boobs. Don't get me wrong, I like my boobs, but I don't want to have to buy new bras.

So, I'm going to eat healthier and try and find room in my schedule for working out. I doubt I'll be able to find much time for that, as school is really demanding this semester, but I'll try. If nothing else, I'll do a lot more walking. Like tonight, I'm going downtown to scout locations for my shoot tomorrow. Maybe I'll do a few laps around a block or something.

I just don't like feeling self-conscious. Maybe if I look the way I want to, then I'll feel better about myself. Here's hoping.

The art history exam that I had today was absolutely brutal. It was 10 slide IDs, which weren't all that bad, and then three comparison essays. Three doesn't sound like that many, but when you are given two images that you had never before seen juxtaposed and are being asked to write articulately about them in relation to a specific topic in a very, very short period of time, it gets a little stressful. By the end, my handwriting was super sloppy, my sentences were short and didn't always stick to the topic, and one of my essays was complete garbage.

I hope I didn't fail. But if I did, then there were plenty of other people who failed with me.

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