I went on an adventure today.
But first, I woke up at the crack of fuckthemorning and waited in front of my classroom for about forty five minutes, until the class was supposed to start. I got up to enter the classroom and saw the sign that said that class was canceled.
So, I napped in the art building. And played Pokemon. Mostly napped. Then classtime came. I thought I would be done with my project in class, but Marijn insisted that I put some structure in the wings. Which I did, and which took the entire class period. I plan to go back in after Art History tomorrow. Then I'll start papering next week- if I don't make it back out there this Sunday.
Then my friend Katherine and I went to lunch. We went to Eat Hibachi- which is pretty tasty.
But then, after I got home and worked on a drawing for a little while, I went for a little walk. I was actually worm-hunting, but there really aren't very many large stones to overturn around my apartment complex. Instead, I found this beautiful outcropping behind some trees in the very most back corner of my apartment complex. All of the kudzu is still dead, so it's a flat plane with bright green grass growing out of it. There's a sheer drop of about fifty feet, and it overlooks the loop. There's a fence that is overgrown with kudzu that completely obscures the spot from view in all directions. I think it might be magical. I think I'll spend a lot of time there.
This is an Adventure.
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