So, when I was in Atlanta a few weeks ago, my friend Tony bought me this Andy Warhol finger puppet, expecting me to destroy it. Instead, I popped it onto my finger and started thinking of all of the hilarious things I could do with it! Andy and I look at abstract expressionist paintings at the High, Andy and I pee onto a canvas and call it art, Andy and I have someone else talk about the paintings that they did that I'm taking credit for, and so on and so forth.
Then I started carrying him around in my bag, and before I knew it, Andy and I had taken an Art History exam, Andy and I had been to a job interview, and Andy and I had eaten Mexican food.
Even these things started to have a sort of novelty. So, since I've sort of abandoned the photo-a-day thing, I thought I'd reinstate it in a way.
I present to you: Andy and I, the series.
In this installment: Andy and I fix our makeup.
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