Monday, March 29, 2010

Alright now.

So, my camera is, at the moment, allocated to a time-lapse photography project, and, as such, cannot be moved from the place that it's located.

To compensate, when the project is over, there will be many pictures of me from each of the days I have missed.

It's taken me about a half hour to even choke this out. I've been feeling simultaneously reclusive, and a desire to tell everyone that I know what I've been going through. It's sort of a double-edge on the latter, though. When I tell people, "I've been going through a really rough period of depression recently," they generally don't want to hang around you. Which is fair, and I understand. But it really doesn't help.

I've been making a point to go to things I've been invited to, and even trying to scare up people to hang around, because I don't just want to be a lump. It works out fine, and I have a great time, until I get home and have to face the feelings I was running from when I was out. This has affected my life in some troubling ways. I've been having a difficult time getting out of bed in the mornings, some mornings I literally don't get up. I just had my first actual meal in three days at dinner, as when presented with food, my stomach sort of just rolls its metaphorical eyes. Been drinking meal replacement shakes, so I haven't died yet. I caught my hand trembling of its own accord yesterday morning, and I got kind of scared. Also, my belly button started bleeding today for some reason. But I suspect that last bit to be unrelated.

So, in a nutshell, that's what I've been working with. I'm not dead, and am planning on dragging myself up to Atlanta in some capacity after these projects are done (see: this upcoming weekend) as I cannot afford Frolicon. Sad days.

Right, to the shower. I'd prefer not to admit how many days it's been, but it's more than three.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

You know, it's really funny how quickly everyone just turns away from you when they find out that you're experiencing any sort of mental trauma or distress. No one wants to be around someone when they're depressed, even though that's what they desperately need.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So, I'm purposefully pulling myself out of this funk. Here are some pictures from the iron pour!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Busted open my mold today. She's a beauty, no? I felt something akin to a maternal instinct when she slid apart. Now she's all chased and gated, and ready for iron! The iron pour will be lovely. Saturday night, it looks like all of my Athens people have decided on Secretroom over Ritual dispite my urging, so I'll likely miss out on seeing my Atlanta peoples this weekend. Sad day. Planning to keep busy until I pass out on Sunday night.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Just posting a quick one while before I begin reformatting my computer. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 15, 2010


I feel serendipitous today. Something positive and wonderful has been following me and turning things in a pleasant direction. Time has been passing strangely, and I've been in a lovely mood despite mild irritants that would normally suck the enjoyment out of things for me. This is a nice change.

Also, I nom some brains like a sexy beast.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Leftover drawing Faidra gave me last night. Going to get back into the habit of pictures. Shaking this funk.


Villains night costume! I was sort of a weird... half-assed Pris from Bladerunner.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So, the hair is awesome when I wake up, as well.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So, I think I may have gone a hop skip and jump off of the deep end. But you know what? I think I look awesome as fuck. So there.

Dyed my hair black like I always wanted to. <3

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Uuuuugh, I've been getting super backed up on my days. This is a self-portrait of a self-portrait.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I have been taking pictures o' the day, but haven't felt much like uploading them. Instead, here's a sort-of figure I'm making after some sketches I did today.

Also this.

Monday, March 1, 2010


This was my project for the metal fabrication class, installed in the gallery. I don't like the sheetrock that I had to use to catch the water, but I couldn't just let it drip on the floor.


I'm a few days behind, but this one is from Friday. You can see me in the reflection off of the display case that my piece frames. Thanks again to anyone who came out to see the show!