I have somehow managed to become completely besotted with a man I will likely never meet. It's strange. Even with Billy Corgan, who I obsessed over in my teenage years, I don't think I was ever quite this strange about it. I just spent over an hour looking for pictures of Robert Smith, saving them, trying to figure out ways I could mimic the outfits. I'm not just "in love" with him, I want to be him. It doesn't really make any sense. Herein ties my complete weakness for voices. If someone has a fantastic voice, I'm much more likely to find them attractive than someone who doesn't. It's an obsession for me, and so I say this with great gravity:
Robert Smith has the best voice I've ever heard.
And because of this, I love him. I'll probably never meet him, and even if I did, it wouldn't matter, in a way. Because it's not Robert Smith the person I love, it's his voice, as it was, as it is, as it will remain in recordings. In interviews, in dialog in South Park Episodes. I don't know anything about him as a person. But the way he presents himself, even now is also fantastically appealing to me. The complete irreverence and peculiarity of it all is almost magical.
Goodness, this is silly. But oh, Robert Smith, I do love you, I think.