Oh gods, I have completely forgotten to do my photos this break. I'm in so much trouble!
Such an eventful week! I feel compelled to document it in at least some point. Where to start? At the beginning of course!
Friday night (last week) I went over to Ian's after FNM and stayed up until three thirty AM playing Left 4 Dead. I woke up again at six fifteen to get up to go to the tournament and Ian and Lauren were still playing. We got up, got ready, and journeyed to Atlanta. We didn't even get lost. Go us.
At the tournament, I did SO well, until I didn't. I won the first round, 2-0, the second round 2-0, the 3rd round 2-0, the 4th round 2-1, and then, as I was sitting in the top chair at the top table, I lost rather unceremoniously. After I lost once, I knew that it was over, as it always seems to go for me. I lost, then I lost, then I lost, then I dropped. Then it became the magic time to find my way to the Joshface, which was going to be a very complicated amalgamation of buses and shuttles and MARTA, and I was scared of it because it was dark, so my very good friend Brandon drove me to a drop-off point. I found out later that he got stuck behind a huge accident on the way back, and everyone who was in our car back at the tournament had to wait an extra four hours for him to get back. I didn't find out until later, so I didn't know to feel bad. Thanks again, Brandon.
I had a lovely time with Josh, Jess, Chris and Marisa at Ritual that night. Met some fun people, and will avoid gushing about any of that sort of thing. We were all a drinky pants, and the next day I spent being a lazy, sick hobo and watching bad movies, looking at houses that don't matter now, and eating soup.
Then I spent time at Nicole's house. We were basically just hobos, and obsessively listened to/ watched Lady Gaga's Bad Romance and other assorted videos. We walked, went to the mall, and were just having a good time. I missed hanging out with her, and the time I got to spend with her reminded me why she's my best friend.
And theeeeeen, I had dinner with Josh, Jess and a new friend. It was tasty. Then drinking, and new chemical experiences were to be had! It was a fantastic time. In fact the effects of such a time lingered into the car ride home. Nicole and I thought her mother had forgotten about us there for a little while. :D
Family thanksgiving was blah. Then spent time over at Ian's. Lots of Left 4 Dead (I have gotten much better at it now, by the way.) Came home a day early so that I could clean and head into the photo studio tomorrow morning. Also because I have my LARP tomorrow. But no laughing at me.
The next few weeks are going to be crazy. I won't have any spare moments, because they will all be spent in the photo lab, or in the sculpture building. I'm very passionate about this project for sculpture, but I don't know if I'll be able to achieve what I want.
I also got the rest of my lantern corps. rings, and fully cleaned my room. I think being busy for the next few weeks will distract from the fact that Josh will be busy packing and moving and will probably not have a super huge amount of time to be throwing my way. But after this next few weeks, everything will be alright. I know it. <3